Well, if you are reading this, then read this:
So for some reason, There's two Slims and to that, I'm gonna post up a challenge.
Reading the title of this, there are two teams, which is your option wisely at the bottom of this text.
A - Slimmy45Team
B - DearSlimTeam
Also, don't forget to use the names which the options you chose, lol (Just use your own letters, not these)
...and the avatars too, well i'll show you.
Slimmy45Team Avatar:
DearSlimTeam Avatar:
In the last round, where the last person who draws, you need to tally your teammates scores.
If the team has the most score, they are called the "SLIM KING".
If nobody joins, then it's Cancelled and I have to remake the room for tommorow.
Players: 20
Drawtime: 150 Seconds
Rounds: 3
Word Mode: Normal/Standard
Word Count: 5
Hints: 5
No link yet! Sorry :(
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